Known as the "Pink City" due to the dominant color scheme of its buildings, Jaipur is a popular tourist destination in India and forms a part of the west Golden Triangle tourist circuit along with Delhi and Agra. It also serves as a gateway to other tourist destinations in Rajasthan such as Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and Udaipur.
Jaipur is one of the earliest planned cities of modern India, and it was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019. The city is also home to other World Heritage Sites — Amer Fort and Jantar Mantar.[Source]
Long, extremely hot summers and short, mild to warm winters./NaN °F
Jaipur has long, extremely hot summers and short, mild to warm winters. Like many other major cities, it is subject to a significant urban heat island effect.
Annual precipitation is over 625 mm/24.6", falling mostly in July and August due to the southwest monsoon. It is relatively cooler during these two months compared to drier May and June. During the monsoon season, there are frequent, heavy rains and thunderstorms, but flooding is not common.
The city's average temperatures remain below 20 °C/68 °F between December and February. These months are mild, dry, and pleasant, sometimes chilly. In winter, temperatures occasionally fall below freezing in surrounding rural areas.[Source]